
Running The Project Locally

The Random Stuff Generator keeps growing ever so complex with every version update. So, here are some general things to remember before getting it to work locally.

API Server

  1. Update Auth0 settings all over the project. Search for “us.auth0.com” throughout the entire project. Update the settings to match your own Auth0 api server from your Auth0 dashboard.
  2. Update ‘CorsOrigin’ settings to match your own planned cors origin host addresses.
  3. Update ‘SqliteConnectionString’ to match your own database. Note : Remember, the API already comes with SQLite out of box configured. If you are happy with the SQLite, then, keep it as it is.
  4. If you are creating a brand new database (SQLite or something else), remember to run update-database before running the API server.

React JS App

  1. Update Auth0 settings all over the project. Search for “us.auth0.com” throughout the entire project. Update the settings to match your own Auth0 api server from your Auth0 dashboard.

Hire Me

I work as a full time freelance software developer and coding tutor. Hire me at UpWork or Fiverr.

important note

This code is provided as is without any warranties. It’s primarily meant for my own personal use, and to make it easy for me share code with my students. Feel free to use this code as it pleases you.

I can be reached through my website - Jay’s Developer Profile