
Deploying To Azure With VS Code

As of version 0.4, I am still deploying both the API Server and React JS App using the following combo.

  1. VS Code
  2. with Azure Extension
  3. Create your web app via the Azure Portal. I mostly use a free plan with a free website to keep costs zero.

All you have to do is login with your Azure account on VS Code. then, ensure the extension is installed. After that, just click on the nice small ‘Upload’ or ‘Deploy’ button.

Then follow the steps to pick your web app you already created.

That’s it!

API server

The API server is built using dot net. So, a direct deployment is fine.

React JS

The React JS app, you need to generate the build folder, and then, deploy the ‘build’ folder.

Hire Me

I work as a full time freelance software developer and coding tutor. Hire me at UpWork or Fiverr.

important note

This code is provided as is without any warranties. It’s primarily meant for my own personal use, and to make it easy for me share code with my students. Feel free to use this code as it pleases you.

I can be reached through my website - Jay’s Developer Profile